website speed test

Website Speed Test Tools To Make Site Run Fast

Website Speed Test tools are very important to check the speed and make a website or blog run fast. In this smart digital world, people tend to have fast on everything. They want to learn and fast service everywhere. They don’t want to waste their time in waiting mode. So in the same applies to the website and blog too. For running a fast-loading webpage, you can use these website speed test tools to know your website speed so you can optimize your site.


what is the website speed test Google does?


Website Speed test google is a tool where we can test our site to check whether our site/blog is running slow or it’s performing well?. Nobody wants to have slow running websites. 

Let’s say someone jumps into your site for some reason or to wanting to get valuable information. But when he landed your site running so slow, the person who landed doesn’t want to wait although you have valuable content.

website speed test Google

He/she will search for another website and leave your blog/site. So for the user perspective view, you need to think and you need to make a site run a fast so costumer can learn and stay more on your site. More costumer more money, More views more money.

And if the customer/visitor comes and stays on your website and he/she find valuable content to your site. You will get a good reputation too.


How can I check my website performance?


Often people become irritated for waiting long when your site is opening.

The website/blog is too slow and it takes time to run? If so, you are losing every day your customers, visitors, and precious subscribers. Important to have a good website with good speed, your page ranking will be high, you are making great involvement of users.

Website Load Test


Website Load Test is found to load fast costumer they will stay on your website as much they want.

From that, you can grow your business as well, if you are running an online business.

There are Following speed testing tools can be useful for making a better performance with the good speed of your website or blog.

There are many tools for testing your site’s performance or optimization.

Today going to share some of them. You can use any of these speed testing tools for testing your website is fast or slow.


  1. Google Page Insight
  2. Pingdom Tools
  3. GTmetrics 
  4. Web page test
  5. Webpage Analyzer
  6. Site Speed Checker

1. Google Page Insights 


Google Page Insights tool is the most used page speed test tool on the internet. It is provided by Google itself.

It shows your website speed performance for both mobile and desktop device and it gives you the details suggestion for the optimizations of the web page.

It will show the data of scoring about performance up to 100. Below 50 is considered for slow speed between 50-90 is for moderate speed and above 90 is considered at a fast speed.

Just visit above link and provide your webpage link there and you will see the result




website-speed-test-google-1200x606 Website Speed Test Tools To Make Site Run Fast

2. Pingdom


Pingdom tools is another testing tool for checking your website speed test, it will show the load time speed and performance.

pingdom-site-speet-tools-300x115 Website Speed Test Tools To Make Site Run Fast

3. GTmetrix 


Gtmetrix is the free tools can be used for the checking performance of speed of a webpage and find out the solutions 


Gtmatrix-300x105 Website Speed Test Tools To Make Site Run Fast

we can see the recommendation from GTmetircs such as

  • Minimize redirects
  • Leverage browser caching
  • Defer parsing of JavaScript
  • Minimize request size
  • Optimize images
  • Minify JavaScript
  • Minify HTML
  • Minify CSS
  • Avoid bad requests
  • Avoid landing page redirects
  • Enable compression
  • Enable Keep-Alive
  • Inline small CSS
  • Inline small JavaScript
  • Optimize the order of styles and scripts
  • Put CSS in the document head
  • Serve resources from a consistent URL
  • Serve scaled images
  • Specify a cache validator
  • Combine images using CSS sprites

4. Web Page test

This is a free tool for checking the website and its to see the website seed test regarding the performance. And to get know more optimization help to run web page speed test fast.

webpagetest Website Speed Test Tools To Make Site Run Fast

5. Webpage Analyzer


Webpage Analyzer is the best highly used free tool for testing your page speed, performance, size, and composition.

6.Site Speed Checker

After checking with website page speed tools you get your site is running slow so questions on mind that 

Why is my website loading slowly?


Some main causes of a page loading site slow are given bellow

It can be many causes for making the site slow to load. There are a few factors for making it a slow website load test.

  • Using many unwanted plugging
  • Having heavy element on your site
  • Using a poorly coded theme
  • Using big image files
  • Having a poor hosting

How can I speed up my website? google page speed

Tips to get rid of a slow loading website 


If you are using WordPress-install only high-quality plugins and themes for your site. Avoid poorly coded plugins or themes because it can impact on your site performance about speed.

You can see how people using it and see reviews before buying it or install it. You should look 3 things when you are looking plugin and themes such as high rating, high download, updated recently.


Useful tools for compressing Images without losing Quality for website load test make fast


High-quality images can attract visitors to the web page, but it can make your site slow. If your site is too slow visitors can go away and they never back, you will lose your important viewers.

If you are using many images on your site with a high-quality image you should use tools where you can compress your image without losing quality.


How can I make a slow website faster?

Check your webpage image and all find out what causes the website running slow? is your web hosting causing a problem? 

if you are using heavy size image you should compress your all the image using tools are given below.

  • use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • choose a better hosting provider  
  • do optimize the image size
  • Uninstall Unwanted Plugins and unused themes 
  • use a caching plugin such as w3total catch or  Wprocket or hummingbird
  • use a Gzip compressions for your website.
Here are a few plugins where you can compress your image with good quality.


  • Bulk resize media for WordPress
  • Kraken image optimizer
  • Wp smush


If you want to compress your image before uploading it to your media library, you can use given following online tools by visiting online their website.



The best way to make your site optimized- keep checking the error of your site regular basis and deal with comment spam, and try to fix any broken links and pages.

To run a Webpage take care of many things before that you need to know some basic things, such as if your page is light and run fast you gain a more costumer. Remove unwanted plugins or unwanted themes, make your image optimize with some tools.

Mostly I use google page speed after And now google page speed is provided in the section of google search console so we can directly check there with no hassle. After that, I love GTmatrics for checking speed. 

Are you using any of those tools mentions above? If so which tool you are using the comment below.


Read this too Top 3 tools to check virus on your site

Happy Blogging Happy Sharing

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