Everyone is dreaming about how to earn money online or work from home. There are lots of popular methods or ways to do things regarding earning online. Here are the top 5 best ways to earn money online in 2023. Many people are doing this and making good enough money.

So let’s start it without further ado.
Table of Contents
Best Ways to Earn Money Online For students Without Investment At Home
Some people thinks that making online money is fake now a days its very hard to make money online for students without investment at a home but it is not true, Still making money at home without investment is true and it is genuine way to earn money at home In this post I will make a list for the money making online at home without investment, anyone can do it as a part time or full time with their requirements
how to earn money online for students without investment at home
So lets se the list for how many ways we can earn money online as much as we have a skills or knowledge to share to the people
- YouTube – Creator
- Blogging – Write And show your passion
- App Development
- online Sale – Ecommerce
- Freelancing – Sale your skills in free time
Top1#. How do you get paid by YouTube
YouTube is the 2nd largest used tool after Google in daily-based use in the internet world. This is the best platform – a way of earning money. Research says more than 60% of people watch YouTube videos every day.
This is the best and one of the best time pass kind of things done by the people on YouTube. Some are using it for knowledge and some are to enjoy their free time.
If you have anything that you like to show your talent to the world. So, don’t do late starting to make videos and upload them on YouTube. Let’s say for instance: someone is good at cooking and he/she can make videos without hesitation and then go and post videos on YouTube.
It’s easy to go and easy to make YouTube videos! And don’t copy videos from somewhere use your creativity and post your original videos. After that, you share your videos everywhere where can use your social media, and share them with your friends and family. If your videos get good views you can get monetization on your channels via Google Adsense and by doing that you can earn good money.
Read more about Making Money From a Website
Top2#. Blogging For Money
This is the most powerful, positive and second most popular method for earning online. There are lots of blogs and bloggers all over the Internet. Some are giving a wonderful job. They are getting lots of views and people love it because they are putting a bunch of information there. So anyone can get benefits from their blogs.
To make a blog first you have to choose your topic that’s called keywords. And do research about your topics, else you can start with your favorite topics. You can create a free blog using Google service that is blogspot.com or you can buy the domain and use WordPress for that you need to have your own hosting too.
After setting up a domain and all the pieces of stuff start to write your post. Make a good 20-30 posts and apply for Google AdSense, and get approval from it. If you get approval, Google shows advertisements from the advertisers on your blog and you can earn money.
The earning in the blogs is huge if you do smart work, you need to implement ads code on the post and when a visitor visits your post.
How do beginner blogs make money?
Let’s clarify in deep, you need to have good patience and you should post content regularly to make a good amount of money. Content is king in the blogging journey. Thus, write good content and make it engageable.
And reads your content when the reader is reading your post that time ads will show inside your post. Ads gain impressions and somehow some clicks will happen in this way you make money as a publisher via Google AdSense.
If you get good traffic from the countries such as; the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia etc, your earning can be higher than you get visitors from other countries. You need to Focus on good content where a reader will stay more on your webpage.
The second method of earning by blogging is that you can contact the advertiser on a local base related to your niche. Let’s say you are reviewing products and services on your blog.
Find the service provider or search for the shop owner who sells products. Tell them about your blog and you are getting good views. Take a charge from them for the advertisement. You can put a banner on the site. Many news blogs are earning huge money like this.
Let’s imagine, you get the 10 advertisers, you charge them 3k per month. for the small size of a blog. You will earn 30K per month easily via this technique. This is a simple example and a rough idea of how we can implement the ideas for a blog which can make money.
Top3#. Applications – How to earn money from developing Android apps
Recently apps are being popular day by day on a smartphone. So by those apps, we can earn money too. If know how to make applications then start to develop them and publish your app in the Google -play console.
Otherwise, learn to make apps and then publish your app to the play store or AppStore integrated with AdMob. You can implement banner ads, interstitial ads, native ads rewarded ads so on ..in your apps.
Admob is an advertising network for mobile provided by Google like Adsense. There are more ad networks such as Facebook ads, amazon ads, Applovin, Startapp, and Appnext, etc. Admob is a king network among other networks. After all, google pays a very nice CPC.
4#. E-commerce (Online selling)

These days we buy lots of products via mobile or website. Anything you getting in mind to sell products or services …right choice. People are generating good money by doing it.
And if you don’t have any product don’t worry can start affiliate marketing without any investment. In India, there are lots of online websites offering products to sell. Such as Amazon, Meshoo, shop101, etc.
You open your own store and choose a demanding product and copy their paste code or affiliate link on your website and sell it. By doing it you get your commission into your bank account.
And another way for selling your products first go to the Facebook group and find the right targeted groups on Facebook. After that, write a good title and description of the product and give them a product link.
When they click and buy the product from your link you get the commissions. People are earning a good amount by doing affiliate sites or selling online products on a commission basis.
The way of making money from affiliates is not based only on Amazon or Flipkart there are others. You can choose and start to choose products and start selling them via different methods.
Furthermore, you can earn money without having your physical shop or store and also you do need to have your products with you.
Top5#. Freelancing
If you have any skill such as writing, website designing, app designing, Data entry such as email scraping, web scraping, lead generation, Microsoft Excel work, word to pdf converting work, typing job, or transcribing jobs. or even simple photo background removal jobs.
Furthermore, graphic design, animation, SEO, Logo designing, youtube thumbnail design, and many more skills are in demand in the freelancing market.
If so then, you can make a profile on a freelancing website and sell your skill there. People are earning huge money from freelancing. You can visit the most popular sites, freelancer, Upwork, Elance, People Per Hour, Fiverr so on.
After making a profile you need to post your skills and find the projects and apply it. If you get the orders from the clients, you get paid after finishing your work provided to them.
These days everyone trying to find out the best way to earn money online. This is the most popular query all over the internet.
Are you making money using the above techniques? or thinking to start on this journey? Please share your views and your experience with earning. journey.